Sand Pool Deck: A pool deck installed using Soil Sement and recycled sand.

Product:                       Soil-Sement
Application Rate:         1 gallon per 15 Sq’
Application Dilution:     4 to 1
Application Method:     Pour and Place
Application Depth:       4”-6”
Life Expectancy:          Indefinite

Challenge:To create a cost-effective, environmentally friendly pool pad that will blend in with and accentuate the natural surroundings. The finished pool pad will need to support large parties, lounge chairs and tables as well as a hot tub. This pool pad is designed to last for  years and years to come with minimal maintenance while retaining the freshly installed look.

Solution:Soil-Sement!  mixed with recycled sand at the recommended application rate and placed into the pre-formed area then compacted. The compacted mixture is finished with traditional concrete methods.

Result:As the pool deck cured, surface sealing applications were applied. This environmentally sound product culminates with maintenance, this pool pad has an indefinite life span.