Villa Esencia Beach Access: Unconfined Beach Sand pathway installed using Soil-Sement and in place sugar sand.

Product: Soil-Sement
Application Rate:       1 gallon per 40 Sq’
Application Dilution:  9 to 1
Application Method:  Topically
Application Depth:     4”-6”
Life Expectancy:         Indefinite

Challenge: To create a unconfined, cost-effective, environmentally friendly pathway that will blend in with and accentuate the natural surroundings. The pathway will use in place sugar sand and need to support daily foot traffic.

Challenge: To create formed steps using in place sugar sand allowing easy access over sand dune leading to the ocean front.

Solution: Phase 1 (completed) Applied topically to formed beach access steps and pathway until full depth saturation. Compaction and base stabilization of in place sugar sand are both key components of phase 1 which will provide support for Phase 2.

Solution: Phase 2 (pending) With the first phase of this project completed and cured it is now time to stabilize and install the surface. The useable surface is created with a application rate of 1 gallon per 15 Sq‘ and applied topically as in phase 1.  This will result in the two sections fused together as one creating a dense, natural, long lasting pathway.

Result: (pending) As the pathway cures clear recycled glass will be installed to increase light reflection at night. The surface sealing applications will be applied sealing in the glass and preserving the surface for years to come. This environmentally sound product culminates with maintenance, this pathway has an indefinite life span.